Thank You Photographers!

posted on: January 26, 2010

This last year has had me quite absent from the blogosphere, but it hasn't had me absent from shooting and sharing my creative talents with others as I always do. I had made a goal this year to shoot with other photographers as often as possible (when I wasn't shooting my own weddings), and while there wasn't a ton of room in my schedule, I was happy to help out whenever I could. So, I wanted to send my heartfelt thanks to some wonderful friends and photographers who I've had the chance to work with this year, and who have been able to share my work with others.

I had a wonderful time getting to take some creative risks at a wedding with Krista Photo this year at the wedding of her dear friends, Meaghan & Steve. Click the photo to see more of our combined work from that wedding:

I was able to step up to bat for MKD Photography when they were asked to do double duty as wedding party attendants and photographers for their sister's wedding (can't find a link to that one - sorry!)

When Cordele Photography had a second shooter back out, I was able to volunteer my time to help for a very special wedding. Click the image below to see more of our combined work:

So often we do a wonderful job of documenting the lives of those around us, but when our friends and family look back at those images, we're often absent from the moments because we're behind the camera. Because of this, there's a special place in my heart for capturing photographers spending time with their families. My love & joy goes to the Domingues Photography family, for letting me capture a small slice of their life together, and for sharing that little slice with the world. ;-) Click on the image below to access the slideshow from their session.

I have to give a huge hug and THANK YOU to Meghan Moore of megpix for letting me photograph her in her studio AND for getting a chance to be professionally photographed with my hubby for the FIRST time since our wedding!! (I kid you not!) Alex isn't always a willing subject, so it's such a rare treat for me to be photographed with him professionally. ;-) Thank you Meg - and thank you for partnering up for the Holiday Photo Booth!!

Alex and I - courtesy of

Last but not least by any means, a huge thank you to the Pizzuti Studios for having a super fun Señor Portrait session for Rachel & Ali's Adios Fiesta! There were some HILARIOUS images from that evening, but I'll leave you with just one with a fabulous scarf-that-one-day-will-be-missing-from-Ashley's-closet-but-I-won't-know-who-took-it. ;-)

I lied - one more shout out & thank you to Grazier Photography, who recently launched LUXEBooth, and shared samples at our Boston PUG!

(I'm going to guess the other person in this photo would like to remain anonymous! HA!)

5 comments, to add [click here]:

  1. That's still one of my favorites from the day, Anne! Thank YOU for shooting with me! It was fabulous working with you - and a pleasure to be with you, as always :)

  2. Blog more! We miss you :)

  3. Anne, they cat and the portrait made me laugh out loud. You always find something interesting to shoot!

  4. All very fun, funny, fantastic work everyone, congrats!

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anne, I know I have said this over and over but thank you again for the amazing images


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