How We Spend Our Time - Intern Edition

posted on: March 31, 2009

Being a photographer is a super glamorous job. I mean, how could it not be? You get to spend all your time at weddings, sneaking hors d'œuvres off the appetizer trays and hobnobbing with the guests.

No, grasshopper, you have much to learn. That's not how you spend most of your time. This intern's lesson of the day is that as a photographer, the bulk of your time is spent getting things to work. No joke.

It makes sense, when you think about it (well...I suppose it would make sense regardless of your thinking about it, but that's beside the point). The actual "taking pictures" part of being a photographer is probably something that we spend the least amount of time on. We rely so heavily on technology, which can be extremely temperamental and seems to require begging, pleading, praying, and promises of your firstborn child in order to convince it to work.

It's not easy. There's a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes on, and it can be frustrating at times. Creating images that give people a way to relive their fabulous wedding day, or transport them back to a time when their now-teenager was just a wee little baby, that's the fun part, but it's just a small piece of the pie. And speaking of pie...let me present to you the graphical representation of the breakdown of a wedding photographer's time (click to embiggen if the print is too small)

13 comments, to add [click here]:

  1. So true! As a photographer, I have a love/hate (mostly hate at the moment) relationship with my computer! It rules my life - so much for technology making life easier! :)

  2. HA!! That's awesome - I love that you made a pie chart and that Starbucks was part of it. ;-)

  3. heeheeheehee....hmmm, starbucks...yum-o.

  4. oh that is awesome. I love the starbucks part and the swaping to film part. so true.

  5. This cracked me up - SO true!!

  6. Thanks for showing the real life/job!

  7. HaHa, add to my chart: stalking other photographer's blogs.

  8. LOL! So true, it's not even funny any more

  9. it's the sad sad truth.
    starbucks might need to be a tad bigger . . .

  10. While I do love and appreciate the graphical representation, I'm BOWING AT YOUR FEET for the awesomeness of the word "embiggen". That is pure genius, my friend! May I borrow?

  11. HAHAHAHAH story of my LIFE <3

    mmm i could go for starbucks right about now. and i can guarentee i'll be cursing technology (dang top-mount flash) in 4 hours.

    gooo liiife!


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