Every month or so I change my desktop image to a photograph I've taken and I thought it would be fun to share these images in my blog so that you can download them for your desktop as well! Every month I'll try to post a new image that is suitable for displaying at desktop size and resolution. Click on an image to download a copy for your desktop.
As the days get shorter and the seasons change, more interesting things happen in the sky. I've always been somewhat fascinated with cloud and star patterns, the colors of sunrise and sunset, and how earthly matter relates to the atmospheric energy. Lately I've been so consumed with working that I haven't really made time to watch clouds or stargaze, but there are always a few moments before or after a wedding or engagement session when I have a moment to just stop and take in everything that surrounds me. The two images above are from those very moments. I feel an amazing sense of peace when I just let go of my thoughts, breathe, and admire nature's beauty. There really is beauty everywhere... if we only take a moment to notice it.
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this looks familiar...was this taken at our engagement session?? it is beautiful none the less.
ReplyDeletenicole mcbride
Nicole- yes! The first one was taken just before your e-session!
ReplyDeletei thought so.. the lighting is beautiful! oh', i can't wait to see the rest of them..
ReplyDeletenicole mcbride