I first learned about Capoeira at the Lowell Folk Festival which brings performers from all over the world right into our backyard! Have I mentioned how much I love living here?! Anyway, it looked so cool that when I found out about a group of people in the Boston area called Capoeira Rosa Rubra getting together for a Batizado, I thought I'd check it out and attempt to photograph it. It's something that really cannot be given justice by still images because it's a constant state of motion and music along with two people negotiating a movement relationship within the midst of a shared space. It's a true fusion of martial arts and dance that needs to be experienced in person to be fully appreciated. In any case, here's my attempt to capture still images of a very movement driven experience (press play to start the slideshow):
Capoeira Rosa Rubra at UTEC | Lowell, MA
posted on: September 27, 2009
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** Moving **
posted on: September 2, 2009
Just a quick blog note to say I'm moving right now! Lots of wonderful and exciting changes happening! If you're trying to get in touch, please allow me some time to get back to you. Thanks! - Anne
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