"Anne, why aren't you blogging?!" I cringe every time I hear that question right now because I would LOVE to be blogging, but the fact is that I have more work than time- and if I have to choose between preparing images for a client or a publisher or updating my blog for my blog stalkers, than I'm going to take care of getting images to the clients who have paid me and to the publishers who are graciously honoring my work in their publications. If you would like me to start blogging again, please help me find people who want to learn what it's like behind-the-scenes as a working photographer!! My business has been growing EXPONENTIALLY and this would be a very exciting time for someone who wants to learn what it's like to run a wedding photography business!
So many people think that taking wedding photos is such a glamorous job - as if we just show up and than the job is done, and that's sooooo not the case!! A LOT goes into making images gorgeous AFTER they've been captured and I'm happy to help someone learn that, as long as they are willing to commit to giving me 5-10 hours a week for 6 months, for free. I would essentially be training someone to produce high quality imagery both behind the scenes and in-camera- since it all starts with a deep understanding of light, composition, framing, and technical knowledge. If I get an intern who is so awesome that I can't imagine my life without them, than I may hire them to continue working for me after the internship is over. If you need an internship for college credits, I'm happy to work with your teacher to provide the necessary documentation to count this as your internship.
Here are the behind-the-scenes skills that you'lll be learning on the job, in real life situations:
- Image editing: learning the how, what, and why of editing down to the best work possible
- Color correction: learning how to see colors, evaluate light and shadow balance, and bring out the best in an image
- Data management: protecting and managing data with multiple back-up storage systems as well as system management
- Products & Albums: the ins and outs of choosing products, designing albums, and selling products
- Promotion: preparing images for multiple social media sites, copyright, learning the dos and don'ts of social media
- Camera Technique: why and when of lens choices, camera modes, as well as lighting on and off camera

Interested? Know of someone who can make a 6 month commitment for 5-10 hours per week? If they can make their way to Lowell, MA 1-2 days a week (5 hours per day) and don't mind working from my home office with my dangerously cute teacup poodle and my too-brilliant-for-his-own-good-husband, please share
this post with them and have them contact me by phone to set up an in-person meeting: 888-678-ANNE. Note: I will NOT answer email requests for internships, you must have the physical ability to call my voicemail and leave a message!
I'll be conducting all interviews January 24-30th. I have 10 hours a week (2 days a week for 5 hours per day) to give to either 1 intern, or I can split the 10 hours between 2 interns. The most important thing to me is that you're a person who is genuinely interested in learning about photography and that you like being helpful wherever there's a need. There are extra perks to the job, which will be a lovely surprise for whoever ends up being a good fit, but first and foremost I need people who are willing to put in some good work in exchange for valuable knowledge and experience!