One Minute Vacation - Cabin in the Woods

posted on: October 28, 2008

This time of year is pretty stressful for a lot of people (myself included). That stress leads our immune system to break down, causing us to get sick, or to have high blood pressure, or to stay up late with our mind racing about what we need to do next. We'd love to get away from it all and just relax, but we fear that getting away would just make us stress about everything that isn't getting done.

So, I've come up with a way to take a mini-vacation right at your desk!! It only requires one minute of time, your eyes, your ears, and a few deep breaths. Just sixty seconds of imagining yourself in a more relaxing place can do wonders for the mind and body... if you need more than sixty seconds, simply repeat.

For this one minute vacation, let me take you to my mom's back porch overlooking the woods where you'll see the autumn leaves falling and hear the wind blowing through the trees... click play and relax for a few seconds...

What's your idea of a vacation? Maybe I can bring it to your desktop for you!

8 comments, to add [click here]:

  1. This is awesome, Anne! I'm totally with you on the stress thing right now. My mind is constantly on overdrive thinking about everything I need to do to stay on top of all this wedding work. I love fall, though. Thanks for the little mini-vacation! I needed that. :)

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    That's pretty darn cool, Anne. You rock.

  3. Ah, much needed. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    That helped!!!

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Mmmm. How nice was that? It's amazing how nice and long a minute can seem when you just stop and breath. Thanks for the moment of relaxation.

  6. It worked! This is beautiful, Anne. So tranquil. Thanks for sharing your peaceful place with all of us!

  7. OMG! Is that place real???

    Thanks, Anne ;)


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