Every month or so I change my desktop image to a recent photograph I've taken and I thought it would be fun to share these images in my blog so that you can download them for your desktop as well! Every month I'll try to post a new image that is suitable for displaying at desktop size and resolution. Click on an image to download a copy for your desktop.
Both shots were taken with a Canon PowerShot A510 3.2MP camera on Macro mode. If you have a digital camera- try using your macro mode to get really close to objects in order to make interesting pictures out of ordinary things...

Time for winter, holiday cards, and decorations! Last year I bought a tub-o-foam-sticker-snowflakes for Christmas Cards and invitations and barely made a dent in them. Somehow they managed to survive the flood we had last winter, that destroyed nearly everything important, and found their way into the boxes I actually did get around to unpacking. These are just one of the items sitting around my office that I thought communicated winter very clearly.

If your computer screen gets too cold from the thought of snow, try warming it up with a big wooly sweater! This particular sweater is my favorite winter sweater! It's so warm that I hardly need a jacket when I'm outside in the winter! Mmmmmm.... warm fuzzies all over.