Nepal Singing Bowls Workshop - Adventure Year Week 9

posted on: August 13, 2019

There's a part of me that is still hesitant and skeptical about this call to healing work that has been happening since 2012.  You'd think I'd be all in by now.  Nope.  Even though I've already committed to showing up and offering healing services to people who ask or are referred, even though it's been amazing for me personally every step of the way (not without challenges, of course), and even though I've seen amazing results for my clients, I still don't feel the need or desire to go all in full throttle.

My resistance came up once again when deciding whether or not to participate in the Nepal Singing Bowl Workshop this weekend.  The logical and rational part of me questions all my hesitations: they are just bowls, and attending a workshop is just like learning a new instrument or a new app, why would I feel so hesitant and resistant?!  I guess I don't enter into healing practices lightly.  If I'm going to commit to a workshop, I'm also going to commit to practicing and learning how to get the most out of the practice as well.  Other people can just attend a weekend workshop out of curiosity, for the fun of it, or just because it sounds like something they might want to learn.  But me? Apparently I have to make a huge commitment or no commitment.  I'm normally open to so much more grey-area in my life, so it surprises me that healing practices feel like they have to be all-or-nothing for me.

To be honest, I probably wouldn't have taken the workshop if Alex didn't add extra encouragement and incentive by offering to pay for it.  His offer made me fight even more with myself about why I would possibly resist taking advantage of something that is graciously being gifted to me?!  Again, the rational part of my brain kicks in: jeez, Anne, you're being given an opportunity on a golden platter and you still aren't sure?!  Could you make this any more difficult?

I still haven't uncovered all of the reasons I resist going full on into healing work.  Part of me feels like damnit, I really want to help more people create profitable and sustainable creative businesses, which takes a lot of time and focus, leaving only a little extra energy on the side to offer other people healing work.  Then another part of me feels like, maybe if I dedicated more of my energy to helping other people heal, they would naturally create better boundaries and sustainability for their creative energy?  I've experienced that you can create more abundance for yourself whether you enter the door of running a creative business or commit to a healing practice, so I continue to offer both options.

The universe also seems to encourage me to keep my feet in both spaces.  When I'm "asking" the universe for signals or guidance to lean in one direction because I'm feeling frustrated with two directions, I will get both a request for business consulting and for healing work in the same day.  When I poll friends and family, I will get equal interest in both types of work.  So, I keep doing both, showing up and answering the call from whatever direction it comes.

I have noticed that the healing modalities I'm willing to explore need to keep being gifted to me, since I practically won't even go there if they aren't (rolling my eyes at myself right now).  I justify my barriers and resistance by remembering that resistance is how I keep myself out of trouble or wandering too far down the wrong path.  I've seen some people who treat healing and spirituality like an addiction, constantly trying to consume as much of it as they can get from all directions, but never really working with one practice long enough to deeply benefit from it as a form of self-care.  So, I think a healthy amount of skepticism and restraint never really hurts anyone, it just creates some speed bumps along the way.

I love talking about business strategy and I love talking about healing modalities.  I love writing about business strategies and I love writing about healing experiences and outcomes.  As long as I continue doing what I love, and I continue to be in love with the process of exploring, learning, and sharing as I go, I figure there's really no wrong path or need to be exclusive in one direction.  Yes, it makes introductions messy.  Yes, it can be confusing for some people.  Yes, it's hard to market myself in two different directions.  However, that confusion also creates the space for other people to release the traditional career boxes and expectations, and creates more room to connect as humans doing a lot of different things, which creates more openings to make anything possible.

Every time I find myself getting too hyper focused on business consulting, the universe sweeps in with some healing work.  When I get too deep into healing work, the universe sweeps in with some consulting work.  It continues to be a dance, and I just continue to keep showing up in whatever way I can, and in whatever way I'm needed.  In the end, it's all just life, and it's all just learning how to find greater abundance by making the most of every experience.

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