This is crunch time for me (and most wedding/portrait photographers!) With the holidays right around the corner, there's always more to do than time to do it! So, if you've been wondering, "Where in the world is Anne Ruthmann?" Than you probably aren't following me on Twitter or Facebook where people have been watching my every move for the last few months (well, only the moves I WANT everyone to know about!!)
You see, I'm someone who has a million ideas every day (yes, I'm exaggerating) and before Twitter, I had no place to put them! Most of what we do as freelance photographers is pretty boring - responding to emails, editing photos, color-correcting, and occasionally we get to interact with other people and take photos! Woo Hoo! So, I have plenty of time doing boring things for my mind to think about completely random and off the wall things. Now I can collect all of my random musings in one neat little twitter feed and hope that all will be archived for eternity! (or not) But please don't get your hopes up and look for the wisdom of Buddha or anything, sometimes I may twitter stuff that shows exactly how boring my life can be, but I also promise to twitter things that show how fun life can be too. ;-)
If you're on Facebook, than you can not only see what I'm saying, but you can also see what everyone is saying back to me when I post completely random thoughts (as well as all of the embarrassing photos that other people decide to post of me! ::rolls eyes::) While I don't agree with WIRED's article about blogging being dead, I do agree that there are things we can say and do on Twitter and Facebook that aren't really worthy of an entire blog post. So, I keep my blog for more lengthy thoughts like this one, as well as a place to share samples of my work publicly- because I still believe in the value of content creation through blogs, but if you must have a little bit of Anne Ruthmann in your day, every day, you're better off following me on Twitter or Facebook where you'll be able to keep up with my Tweets AND my blog posts. There are also a few projects in the works that will begin aggregating this blog, which I'm really excited about, and I'm sure the aggregated competition will encourage me to blog more!! I love a challenge!!
Here are the links if you'd like a little more of me in your life.... (and I totally don't blame you if you don't - I bore myself sometimes!)
If you're still unsure as to what Twitter and Facebook are all about, here's a fun little video from the Twitter website to help explain it for you:
(Eco note: The cups pictured above were saved and recycled for another use. Here's a pic of me with one of my favorite reusable mugs that I frequently use for my Starbucks addiction...