This compilation of research originally started out as a way for me to solve the mystery of what happened to my Great Aunt Helen Anna Herbert Watson after she returned to this address when the S. S. Gripsholm brought her back from a Faith Fellowship missionary assignment in Shanghai. In the years she was in Shanghai, she became married, pregnant, widowed, suffered the loss of her child, and was THEN imprisoned in an internment camp when Japan invaded China! Wild story, right?! Wouldn't you be curious to find out what happened next?
Records indicated other family members here, and a directory listed Helen living here as well in 1944, which led me to get curious about who actually owned the house and what happened to Helen and her mother Lisette after this became their residence.
While looking for resident listings of the address, I quickly learned that the newspaper often associated the addresses with the names of people when mentioning them in the newspaper. This then led to a discovering everyone else who had lived and died in the home and the personal situations that unfolded in this one house over the course of a century.
As my curiosity deepened, I decided to create this post as an attempt to pull the best finds of that history together in one place. This barely scratches the surface of the many lives who passed through this home as renters at various points in their lives full of transitions and change. However, I hope that it will inspire you, should you find yourself in a home with over 100 years of history, to do some investigating too! (All sources cited, when I actually remembered to grab the links.)
1900 April 18 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Funeral at 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny for Annie (McGirr) Rice, wife of John Rice, Jr. aged 42 yrs.

1901 September 24 / Pittsburgh Press
TO LET- One large furnished room third floor; new and clean; 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny

1902 August 3 / Pittsburgh Press
WANTED: Renter for 2 Nicely Furnished Second Floor Rooms. 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny.

1903 March 22 / Pittsburgh Press
Married: Miss Mary Rife and Mr. Samuel Brown, home at 1210 Monterey St.

1903 March 29 / Pittsburgh Press
WANTED: Girl to do general housework, must give good reference. 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny.

1903 November 11 / Pittsburgh Press
A. Z. Byers & Co (realty) sold for Mrs. E. Rife to Miss Margaret A. McBride, a lot 20x110 feet, improved with a brick residence, 1210 Monterey St, 2nd Ward, Allegheny. $8,000 cash.

1904 February 14 / Pittsburgh Press
Clever People who Solved Puzzle: John W. Stoup of 1210 Monterey Ave.

1910 April 20 / The Pittsburgh Press
Wednesday 2pm Funeral of James Ross, father of resident Mrs. Homer Turk
1910 May 16 / The Pittsburgh Press
To Let- 4-Roomed House in Good Condition
1910 November 4 / Pittsburgh Daily Post
Funeral for Catherine Brown, wife of William A. Brown, at home 1210 Monterey Ave.

1912 June 30 / The Pittsburgh Press
To Let- Eight Rooms, Gas, Bath, Laundry, Beckfield Real Estate Co.
1917 October 2 / Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Draft Discharge Announcements for Resident James McNaught, already enlisted in US Navy
1918 April 28 / The Pittsburgh Press
To Let - Three, Four, or Five Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms, Private Family, No Children
1918 June / 27 The Pittsburgh Press / 28 Pittsburgh Daily Post / 28 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Draftee Announcement for Resident Vincenso Allesis
1941 March 13 &14 / Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph & Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Resident Carl A. Creutz, Design Engineer from Sweden, Dies at Allegheny General Hospital
1943 December 2 / The Pittsburgh Press
Resident Lisette Deiss spends week in New York to meet daughter Mrs. Helen A. Watson, Pittsburgh Missionary returning home from Japanese Internment on S. S. Gripsholm.
1943 December 4 / The Pittsburgh Press
Additional neighbors of resident Helen A. Watson who landed in New York from the S. S. Gripsholm.
1943 December 10 / The Pittsburgh Press
Resident Mrs. Helen A. Watson tells her story of living in a Japanese Internment Camp in Shanghai.
Records indicated other family members here, and a directory listed Helen living here as well in 1944, which led me to get curious about who actually owned the house and what happened to Helen and her mother Lisette after this became their residence.
While looking for resident listings of the address, I quickly learned that the newspaper often associated the addresses with the names of people when mentioning them in the newspaper. This then led to a discovering everyone else who had lived and died in the home and the personal situations that unfolded in this one house over the course of a century.
As my curiosity deepened, I decided to create this post as an attempt to pull the best finds of that history together in one place. This barely scratches the surface of the many lives who passed through this home as renters at various points in their lives full of transitions and change. However, I hope that it will inspire you, should you find yourself in a home with over 100 years of history, to do some investigating too! (All sources cited, when I actually remembered to grab the links.)
1900 April 18 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Funeral at 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny for Annie (McGirr) Rice, wife of John Rice, Jr. aged 42 yrs.

1901 September 24 / Pittsburgh Press
TO LET- One large furnished room third floor; new and clean; 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny

1902 August 3 / Pittsburgh Press
WANTED: Renter for 2 Nicely Furnished Second Floor Rooms. 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny.

1903 March 22 / Pittsburgh Press
Married: Miss Mary Rife and Mr. Samuel Brown, home at 1210 Monterey St.

1903 March 29 / Pittsburgh Press
WANTED: Girl to do general housework, must give good reference. 1210 Monterey St. Allegheny.

1903 November 11 / Pittsburgh Press
A. Z. Byers & Co (realty) sold for Mrs. E. Rife to Miss Margaret A. McBride, a lot 20x110 feet, improved with a brick residence, 1210 Monterey St, 2nd Ward, Allegheny. $8,000 cash.

1904 February 14 / Pittsburgh Press
Clever People who Solved Puzzle: John W. Stoup of 1210 Monterey Ave.

1910 April 20 / The Pittsburgh Press
Wednesday 2pm Funeral of James Ross, father of resident Mrs. Homer Turk
1910 May 10 / The Pittsburgh Press
Wanted: Good English speaking German girl for housework at 1210 Monterey St.
1910 May 16 / The Pittsburgh Press
To Let- 4-Roomed House in Good Condition
1910 November 4 / Pittsburgh Daily Post
Funeral for Catherine Brown, wife of William A. Brown, at home 1210 Monterey Ave.

1912 June 30 / The Pittsburgh Press
To Let- Eight Rooms, Gas, Bath, Laundry, Beckfield Real Estate Co.
1916 December 12-18 / Pittsburgh Daily Post
Rooms for Rent- Two Nicely Furnished Rooms, Private Family
Draft Discharge Announcements for Resident James McNaught, already enlisted in US Navy
1918 April 28 / The Pittsburgh Press
To Let - Three, Four, or Five Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms, Private Family, No Children
1918 June / 27 The Pittsburgh Press / 28 Pittsburgh Daily Post / 28 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Draftee Announcement for Resident Vincenso Allesis
1918 August 8 / The Pittsburgh Press
Drafted Resident Vincenso Allesis Prepares to Train at Camp Wadsworth
1918 August 10 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Drafted Resident Vincenso Allesis Train Sendoff to Camp Wadsworth with Farewell Parade
1920 June 23 / The Pittsburgh Press
Furniture & Home Goods for Sale: Two hall racks, combined writing desk and bookcase, window shades, 2 hot plates, small couch. Call mornings 10 to 12: no dealers.
1920 June 30 / The Pittsburgh Press
WANTED- At once, seamstress experienced at summer dresses.
1922 June 16 / The Pittsburgh Press
For Sale: Wearing Apparel: 12 wash suits for boy 4 years. Norfolk. 2 pants brown suit for 12 year, like new, cheap.
1924 February 12 / Pittsburgh Daily Post
Apparel for Sale: blue flowered taffeta party dress size 18, like new, cheap.
1924 July 27 / The Pittsburgh Press
Children's Clothing for Sale
1926 March 21 / Pittsburgh Daily Post
Grace Hoover of 1210 Monterey St. elected vice president of YWCA at Ohio Wesleyan University.
1926 December 5 / Pittsburgh Daily Post
Grace E. Hoover of 1210 Monterey St., senior at Ohio Wesleyan read a paper "Transcendentalism as a Background of Victorian Literature" at a meeting of the Philosophy Club.
1927 January 25 / Pittsburgh Daily Post
Harry Ruble, 35, of 1210 Monterey St. bitten by his own police dog
1928 January 8 / The Pittsburgh Press
For Sale: Five-Piece parlor suite and radio cabinet in good condition.
1932 June 23 / The Pittsburgh Press
Resident "Peanut" Walters likes risky job. Husband and father of daughter and son.
1936 September 16 / The Daily Republican, Monongahela, PA
Obituary for James Hagerty, resident of 1210 Monterey St.
1937 June 19 / Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph
Helen A. Herbert to sail Empress of Japan to China for Faith Fellowship Mission
1937 August 26 / Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph
Daughter of resident Lissette Herbert and other Pittsburghers reported in Shanghai War Zone.
1937 December 08 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Death of Rev. James Kier Pollack, age 74, former pastor of the College Methodist Episcopal Church
1938 December 22 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Marriage in Shanghai: Helen A. Herbert, daughter of Mrs. John Herbert 1210 Monterey to John R. Watson son of Reverend O. O. Watson.
1939 May 22 / The Pittsburgh Press
Marriage License Application: John L. Wilson 100 North Ave - Lillian M. Herbert 1210 Monterey St.
1940 March 3 / Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph
Resident Mrs. John Herbert's Son-in-Law John R. Watson dies during Missionary work in China
Resident Carl A. Creutz, Design Engineer from Sweden, Dies at Allegheny General Hospital
1943 October 14 / The Pittsburgh Press
Resident Mrs. Lisette Herbert's daughter Mrs. Helen H. Watson returns on S. S. Gripsholm after being interned by Japanese in Shanghai.
Resident Lisette Deiss spends week in New York to meet daughter Mrs. Helen A. Watson, Pittsburgh Missionary returning home from Japanese Internment on S. S. Gripsholm.
1943 December 4 / The Pittsburgh Press
Additional neighbors of resident Helen A. Watson who landed in New York from the S. S. Gripsholm.
1943 December 10 / The Pittsburgh Press
Resident Mrs. Helen A. Watson tells her story of living in a Japanese Internment Camp in Shanghai.
1944 May 17 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Funeral at Aeberli's Chapel for former resident Sarah F. Hammond of 1210 Monterey
1947 December 4 / The Pittsburgh Press
Death of Ira E. Hoover, age 71, Pastor of North Ave Methodist Church, and Mission Superintendent.
1953 July 26 / The Pittsburgh Press
Birth Announcement: Mark Steven Roadman, son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Roadman, 1210 Monterey St.
1953 September 24 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Betty Ivansin Custody Battle for boy Eugene Michael from Olander Foster Family
1953 September 25 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Eugene Michael Ivansin, born August 3 in Roselia Maternity Hospital to unwed resident Betty Ivansin
1953 September 26 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph
Betty Ivanisin, 33, of 1210 Monterey St. recovers custody of her baby boy Eugene Michael from foster parents, Herman and Margaret Olander
1954 March 8 / Pittsburgh Press
James L. Sherrow of Houston, Pa and Delores Burnside of 1210 Monterey St. apply for Marriage
1956 July 27 / Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph
Resident Mrs. Mary Ann Benkapec assaulted while working at Music Shop for $35 record album.
1959 August 1 / Pittsburgh Press
Marriage License for resident Mary Ann Berkopec of 1210 Monterey St. to Richard E Anderson of 707 Ridge Ave.
1961 October 2 / Pittsburgh Press
Resident Weichel, Donald J. of 1210 Monterey St. applies to marry Dowden, Sandra Lee of 907 Kirkbride St.
1962 July 26 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Resident Louise LaBertew notice for unclaimed wages from Wolverine Supply & Mfg.
1967 June 19 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Marriage License: John V. Wilson III to Judith A. Clark of 1210 Monterey St.
1969 March 11 / The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Marriage License: Stephen J. DePhillips to Marcia L. Kohnke of 1210 Monterey St.
1971 September 30 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Marriage License: Robert E. Holloran of 1207 Buena Vista to Irene C. Mock of 1210 Monterey St.
1988 April 28 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
John W. Ceranic III to Beverly J. Parker, 3-story house, 1210 Monterey St. $22,000
1988 November 17 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Beverly J. Parker to Robert W. Blackham, 3-story house, 1210 Monterey St. $42,000
1991 August 27 / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Nathan Nissim, 1210 Monterey, relative of deceased Nitsa Nissim