There are many interesting things left behind in women's restrooms but when I found this in one of the University bathrooms, I couldn't resist taking a picture! The composition asks many questions... did leaving her boot behind have anything to do with the fire alarm? Was she too short without her heels on to reach her boot once it was placed up there? What would cause a woman to remove her shoes in a public bathroom in the first place? Is someone trying to make a statement? Or perhaps it's nothing at all. :-)
What Women Leave Behind
posted on: April 14, 2005
There are many interesting things left behind in women's restrooms but when I found this in one of the University bathrooms, I couldn't resist taking a picture! The composition asks many questions... did leaving her boot behind have anything to do with the fire alarm? Was she too short without her heels on to reach her boot once it was placed up there? What would cause a woman to remove her shoes in a public bathroom in the first place? Is someone trying to make a statement? Or perhaps it's nothing at all. :-)
Ben & Ryan Modeling Portfolios
posted on: April 10, 2005
Click on an image to view some of the images from their portfolio...

Considering this was my first time photographing men as models, and their first time being models, I think we did a pretty good job! Ben & Ryan were interested in getting professional headshots for their acting careers and exploring the world of modeling by developing an overall portfolio. I wanted to create images that appeared to be in very masculine settings which I think I was able to do with the use of angular and sparse backgrounds. It was especially interesting trying to bring out the unique features in each person while shooting them at the same time. Much more of a challenge than I thought it would be. I found myself comparing them and trying to make one pose in a similar way to the other when in reality their stances and postures were so completely different that it really wasn't possible. It definitely taught me that I should really just focus on one person at a time in order to give them the best personalized results. Ryan & Ben loved their pictures and I think all of their friends and family were pleased as well. I just hope that the images will help them find extra work!
Considering this was my first time photographing men as models, and their first time being models, I think we did a pretty good job! Ben & Ryan were interested in getting professional headshots for their acting careers and exploring the world of modeling by developing an overall portfolio. I wanted to create images that appeared to be in very masculine settings which I think I was able to do with the use of angular and sparse backgrounds. It was especially interesting trying to bring out the unique features in each person while shooting them at the same time. Much more of a challenge than I thought it would be. I found myself comparing them and trying to make one pose in a similar way to the other when in reality their stances and postures were so completely different that it really wasn't possible. It definitely taught me that I should really just focus on one person at a time in order to give them the best personalized results. Ryan & Ben loved their pictures and I think all of their friends and family were pleased as well. I just hope that the images will help them find extra work!
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