August 30, 2006

Small Town Waiting List

There are some things you can anticipate when moving to a smaller town, like less diversity, fewer restaurant options, less entertainment options, etc. However, one thing I was not able to predict was how difficult it would be to get our internet connected! There's only one cable company in town and apparently it takes them a month to set up cable internet for a new account. Does anyone else think a month is a ridiculous amount of time to wait?! Perhaps because there's no competition, customer service doesn't really matter either. So, my options are: mooching wireless internet from an open network in our building when it's available, spending all day at the coffee shop with wireless internet and hopped up on caffeine, or camp out in my husband's office at school. These are all OK for responding to email in short spurts, but none of these are solutions for extended uploading to my professional lab. It also puts a dent in being able to respond quickly and efficiently to requests. This is killing me!! Thanks for letting me vent!

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